
Naselesele primary school is one of the larger schools in the north of Taveuni. It boasts great buildings, often built and maintained with input from the Rotary Club of Taveuni. The kindergarten classroom was converted for this occasion to a multi-user dental surgery. The children were rostered to attend for a dental examination very efficiently and our team of four dentists laboured for two days to examine as many children and staff (and some parents) as possible.

A message from the Head Teacher, Naselesele, Maria Tikoesuva

It was a wonderful and satisfying two days at Naselesele District School. So many children with so many stories.

Instruments sterilized by Joey Valentine. Thanks Joey!
Drs. Mary and Ricky at work
Entrance to the kindergarten, aka dental surgery

Finally, in this year’s visit from the NZ dental team, is a video from the head girl Elizabeth Nainoka, of Naselesele Primary School. She is 13 years old and is in Year 8 in school. Elizabeth is from Matei and the granddaughter of Paulina Bibi – a current member of the Rotary Club of Taveuni. She enjoyed her role as the head girl of the school and takes immense pride in executing her duties. She duly acknowledges the work of the dental team and thanked the Rotary Club of Taveuni on behalf of the students of Naselesele Primary School. Elizabeth had her tooth checked and had a filling done. Her wish is for the dentist to return next year so the students in the schools of Taveuni can all have healthy teeth and a good life.